Kagadi Home Foundation
Power of memories! We have so many of them…?
Uganda is beautiful, welcoming, warm-hearted, patient and caring. A multitude of languages, a variety of flavors, life surrounded by banana forests, coffee plantations, among avocado trees … A country that is called the Pearl of Africa for a reason. People lead a very modest life, but always caring for other people … cultivating timeless values.
The journey along the swallow trail was very long, but it led us to the purest source of joy and goodness. Kagadi is a place that repays with incredible gratitude for a kind word, smile and being together. This is where our mission begins ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
"A child is a gift from God that blooms under the influence of love..."
…is the hope that keeps growing …”
„...a project that is still coming true…”
”…a future that always remains open!”
Final of the competition “The world around us …”
Summary if the Fiundation’s activities in 2021
With a mission to Kagadi
Charity concert
Training congress of NGO Academy of Leaders
Giving a name to the house
First the Kagadi Home Foundation Friends Tournament
On a journey with the library
V GP Biegatonu, Leśna Szarańcza 2021
Why Kagadi Home?
Kagadi is our second home, it is a place on earth that inspired us so much to do good. This is where our mission begins.
Our mission
Most of them do not have biological parents. Parents abandon their children because of fear of responsibility, because of death from HIV / AIDS…
Let’s help together
How to become a friend of the Kagadi Home Foundation? Visit our website and experience this unique place where we do good…
Kagadi Home Members
Kagadi Home Members
Kagadi Home Members
Kagadi Home Members
Project "Home"
The greatest dream of our 26 kids is to attend to school. We would like to make their dreams come true…
Project “Give an animal”
Pigs are one of the animals that are easy to breed with minimal cost, but with a high profit margin!
Project "Fairy tale portraits"
Monika is an extremely talented woman, an artist!
“Learning is a journey” Project
Help our children to make their dream of returning to school come true! Join the project and take one of our children on such a journey!